Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 156

In which I talk about an idea that seems weird even to me.

So, my counselor, Rachel, has this habit of assigning me homework. (I probably mentioned this and forgot. Redundancy is the new new.) Anyway, at our last appointment she gave me the assignment of finding a picture of myself from childhood that I liked (that showed me being a happy, unabashed kid) and putting it in a frame just as I would one of the munchkins. This actually presented more of a problem for me than you might think since I don't really like many pictures of myself as a child and usually respond to them with something close to "What the hell was I doing there?!" And, after a certain age my teeth started to go crooked so pictures of me smiling at all naturally are in short supply. However, I don't skip homework assignments-I'm pathologically unable to do that. So, yes, I found one. And, since I don't have a frame for this oddly sized Polaroid, I'm putting it on here (since I do that with pictures of the munchkins, that counts, right?)

Please reserve your comments (if you're inclined to make any...).

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