Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Things I'm thinking about today:

1) Dating is hard. It just is. Finding someone nice is hard, having that happen at the right time is hard, being in a place where you're ready to commit to something at all is hard.

2) The more I see of the world, the more I am convinced that violence and eating animals are connected.

3) The therapist I saw last weekend is very nice and knowledgeable. I think she's a good fit, personality-wise, as well. I'm cautiously optimistic again.

4) I took a nice mental health day today. Just hanging out at home in the a/c has been fabulous.

5) I've been cooking at home *slightly* more but I also need to get back to exercising. This heat doesn't help and there's no way I'm going to try to get out there before going to work. More thought needed.

6) Seems like I'm getting asked about the munchkins a lot lately. I'm not bawling over it at every mention but I miss them terribly. No idea if anything there will change at any time in the foreseeable future. I don't want to accept their absence but what is my alternative?

7) Only a few weeks until my road trip to Michigan. I cannot wait.

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