Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18

Got the headlight fixed for $21! Well, to be fair, it really should be replaced but, putting a new bulb in it will keep me from getting a ticket and make it possible to see when I drive at night. Income tax refund will have to cover the actual replacement. I also finally got new shoes! Ah, the joy of having one's feet stay dry...

Today was also a day for tough conversations. Despite the sweaty palms this one induced, it needed to be done and I continue to feel better about standing up for myself and asking for what I need and deserve. It's long overdue.

Also, here are some things I'm really grateful for at the moment.
1) The way Emma's surprise at seeing me this morning made her smile and the way she ran and jumped into my lap, hugging me and telling me she missed me.
2) Whatever it is inside that made me go ahead and start the difficult conversation of today.
3) The willingness of friends to listen to me bitch about having to face these things head-on as well as pat me on the back for it and offer feedback and support while reading excerpts of said conversation while it was going on.

I'm sure there'll be more to come tomorrow.

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